Yes today I am writing about the suicidal issues
which belong to every person of every age. Whether it is a student, a teacher,
a doctor, a local clerk, a housewife, a husband, an old parent or a poor
farmer. This is the most critical issue about which people should be aware but
many people take suicide on a lighter note until they experience it by their
loved one.
We talk about the person who did suicide
but we never think about the reason behind it. Yes depression and stress are
the things which lead towards suicidal cases.
Let us take an example, I am going to write
about a student who is under depression. We often listen that a medical student
did suicide due to stress or depression. Does anyone ever thought why it
happens? Why the student was in depression? There may be a lot of reasons behind
this. He may thought that it is a tough field and he could not go ahead. May be
he was depressed due to strictness by the professors. May he did this because
the most closed one, the most trusted friend left him or deceived him. There
may be a multiple reasons.
Lets take another example of a mature
working man who has his own family and children. Why he did this and gave up
his life? Again there may be multiple reasons. He might be fed up of the
workload on his shoulders. All the reasons behind a suicide end up on STRESS
Women seeking abortions, soldiers fighting
immoral wars and even our teenagers are more likely to suffer. Mental health
issues ultimately result in family dysfunction.
So, the main thing is to kill the stigma around suicide. Stress is the actual stigma of suicide.
For this, people should go to
psychiatrist and consult him and counsel himself. When someone is depressed
other people think that he is just acting and there's nothing serious but actually
depression is the most worst thing which lead towards self death and encourage
the person towards suicide.
People should be aware of the
reasons and should discuss with a professional and a good psychiatrist for
Sharing can also lead to
decrease depression. Yes if you are in depression and does not feel good, do
share your problems with the person you feel comfortable.
To take advantage of a
dedicated team of mental health specialists without which it is almost
impossible to cope with this rapidly emerging issue of the society.
So, One
need more courage to live than to kill himself. “Be strong"
Nice lines 👍👍